Convalescence Chronicles – week two
Week two has come to a close and I can’t lie, I’m starting to get bored. I’ve never been very good at sitting still so being stuck at home with orders to rest but actually feeling alright is starting to wear thin. I’m being very good though and following doctors orders as the last thing I want is for all this to be for nothing because I couldn’t follow instructions. So, these are all the things that have kept me sane this week while I’ve been snuggled on the sofa with the Bo.

I am feeling a lot better this week and although I am still tired and sore, I am feeling pretty normal. Because all my stitches are internal, I am moving around really well and feeling pretty good. To be fair my surgeon did warn me that I may start to feel better but to ignore my body and make sure that I am still resting.
Weeks 2-4 tell me that I can start to increase the distances walked and the number of light jobs attempted. However, I have to avoid lifting / pushing / pulling anything heavier than a two pint kettle of water, and avoid anything that can strain the supporting structures of my pelvic floor such as crouching and squatting. That means I’m back on the school run and starting to get up and around a lot more, though with strict instructions not to do too much too quickly.
I’ve not really been in the mood to pick up a book this week but I have started Your Neighbours Wife by Tony Parsons. I’m only 100 pages in but so far so good.

A little more on the baby theme this week as I knitted these adorable booties. This is a OLD pattern that I have made time and time again and adapted over the years. I love the style of them and – although they take a little time to make – all my friends get at least one pair when they start baking babies!
I plan to make some matching mittens to go with them this week!

I’m also an extra couple of squares further on with the autumn jumper CAL by @knot_halfbadcrochet on TikTok. Little ghost squares this time which are utterly adorable!

I also came across this video on TikTok and absolutely fell in love with the cardigan. So much so that I have started making my own. The cardigan requires 93 of these little squares and I’m currently 56 squares in so wish me luck for next week!

The Jetty – available on BBC iPlayer
Hot off the trail of The Tower, I went straight into The Jetty which is another cop drama. Only 4 episodes, I whipped through it in a few days.

Harry Potter films – available on Netflix
I was feeling a little sorry for myself last week which resulted in A LOT of TV and in particular a lot of comfort TV so the Harry Potter films filled my easy watching requirements. Being able to just pop them on and doze on the sofa pretty much sums up my week!

Manifest (series 1) – available on Netflix
Yes, I know I am REALLY late to the party with this one, but I remember this coming out years ago but I just never got round to watching it. I’m 10 episodes into series 1 and I’m really enjoying it. I’m note sure I will have the stamina to go through all series right now, but I like what I’ve seen so far.

And that’s pretty much been my week.
In short, starting to feel a lot better and therefore starting to get a little bored!
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