My Son’s Girlfriend by Kerry Wilkinson
AD | book tour – I can’t resist a thriller and especially when it sounds as good as this one, which is why when some slots came up on the new Kerry Wilkinson book tour, I knew I had to hop on and take a closer look at My Son’s Girlfriend.

‘Is that you, darling?’ A second of silence before her son replies. ‘It wasn’t me’. Her heart breaks at the pain in his voice – he sounds like a little boy again. Thirty minutes later, the police knock at the door. ‘Your son’s girlfriend is dead.’ And Dan has disappeared.
It’s almost midnight when Jennifer sees her son’s name flash up on her phone. Away at university, she’s normally so happy when he calls. But something is terribly wrong…
Jennifer is devastated for poor Ella’s family – losing their precious girl, so young. She knows her sweet son, just twenty years old, would never, ever harm anyone. But the police are looking for him. And if Dan is innocent, why has he run?
When Jennifer hears how Ella died, her blood runs cold. Because Jennifer’s best friend was murdered twenty years ago the same way. In the same place. Jennifer hasn’t been back since… but now, she has no choice.
She would do anything for her son. Any mother would. But how far will she have to go – what secrets in her own past will she have to confront – to prove Dan is innocent?
And what if the truth is worse than she ever imagined?
As a mum, this is pretty much my worst nightmare. A phone call in the middle of the night and your child on the run, wanted for murder. Jen’s son’s girlfriend Ella has been found murdered in a way that devastatingly echoes horrors from Jen’s own past. She rushes back to try and find Daniel, she ends up in a web of lies that all seem to be connected.
Well written with a great pace, I love that My Son’s Girlfriend is a whodunnit that shies away from the police perspective. Instead Jen is completely blind, trying to piece together Daniels life before the murder and what brought the young couple very much in love, to the edge.
Some characters didn’t really have a purpose which left me questioning why they were there in the first place and others were very clearly plot steps such as Daniel’s Dad Andrew and Jen’s university friend Natasha, but you could argue that was purposeful to give a sense of Jen’s tunnel vision which is fully focused on her son. Caroline from HR also ruffled my feathers and I hope that Jen went back to work and submitted a GDPR complaint. You can take the girl out of HR, but you can’t take HR out of the girl……
Was this a little far fetched? Yes it was, but that didn’t stop me having a great time getting lost in the pages of My Son’s Girlfriend.
My Son’s Girlfriend is currently available on Amazon for £1.99 for the Kindle edition or available to download now with Kindle Unlimited.
If you enjoyed reading about what I thought of My Son’s Girlfriend, then why not check out the other blogs on the tour to see what they had to say.

DISCLOSURE: I was provided with a digital copy of My Son’s Girlfriend for the purposes of this book tour. As usual though, all opinions are my own.
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