This is something I saw quite a lot of last year, so I thought I would sit down and have a little think about what I want to achieve this year. Less about resolutions and more about what I want to work on to make 2019 a great year. This is what I came up with. Some are new but some are the things I ... READ MORE »
The Smyths Catalogue has landed!!
There are a few things that always make me feel festive. Picking the tree, booking our annual events and one even starts now (yes, this early!). The Smyths catalogue has arrived!! This is the time when I love to sit down with a cup of tea to see what will be potentially going on the Christmas lists ... READ MORE »
To Darcie, on your first day of pre-school
To Darcie, my first-born Bear. You are the tiny human that made me a mummy and I cannot thank you enough. As I sit here the night before you head off on a brand-new adventure tomorrow, it just feels so soon. Tomorrow you start pre-school 5 mornings a week for the upcoming school year. We've seen ... READ MORE »
The Bear Portraits 34/52
For this weeks Bear Portraits we headed back to Just So festival for our second year in a row. Wonderful in some ways and a struggle in others, overall its been a fabulous weekend. ... READ MORE »
The Bear Portraits – 33/52
It's been such a long time since I did our Bear Portraits. A post which records a little moments of where my two Bears are right now. So, this is going to be a bit of an overall catch up of these two. ... READ MORE »
Dear Henry
Dear Henry Oh, my darling boy. I cannot believe that you are already 2-years-old. Perhaps it's because you're my youngest child or perhaps it's because I know you are my last, but I don't feel like I am ready. 2 seems like a big number for me, so much more so than when you turned 1. It seems ... READ MORE »
Plastic Free July
Plastic free July is basically a month-long challenge to try and either cut plastic completely from your lives, significantly reduce your use of it or as a minimum to become more aware of their consumption. The idea is to become more mindful of the plastic we use and do what we can to do our ... READ MORE »
to my emotional little girl
Oh, baby girl, where to start. I know you think I'm just being mean when I tell you 'no' again, the truth is that I hate it as much as you. I walk on eggshell that the next 'no' will induce the next tantrum tornado. They arrive from nowhere, rage for an eternity and leave just as quickly. Mummy ... READ MORE »
Should a doctor recommend an 800 calorie diet?
I'm not usually one to write about anything too personal on the blog but I'm trying to process something and I'm not sure how I feel about it. First of all, I'm a big girl at the moment. As in BIG. And I'm struggling to lose weight. I have been following a 1700 calorie diet for the past few months, ... READ MORE »
How to Read More in 3 Simple Step
You may have noticed that the amount of book reviews over the past months have increased, a little because of my 2018 book challenge but mainly quite simply because I am reading more. One thing I have started to be asked is how do I find the time to read. I haven't found an extra 5 hours in the ... READ MORE »
The Christmas Tag
I'm not usually one to get involved in tags. However, this Christmas tag came along from the wonderful Nadia from Scandimummy and Sarah from Mummy Cat Notes and seeing as I just LOVE Christmas, I thought why not! ... READ MORE »
Snow Day!
Just like most of the country, this week the snow decended on us. The Bears have never even seen snow in person, let alone played in it so it was with great excitement when it arrived with us on Friday. Out we went, and that's what we've done pretty much for the past 3 and out the house ... READ MORE »