30 Day Journal Challenge – Day 1
Fancy giving a 30 day journal challenge a go? If you know me in real life, then you know that I am a planner. I’ve had a paper planner in my bag for as long as I can remember and in our family it is lovingly referred to as The Oracle. To put it simply, if it’s not written down, it is just not going to happen.
I have ADHD which was diagnosed in my first year at uni. Planners have always played an important part in not only reminding me where I need to be and when, but also any important things I need to do too. Over the years, the way that I use them has evolved. Nowadays not only does it allow me to plan forward, but it also acts as a memory journal. Sunday night each week I look back over any photos or moments I want to capture and I make sure they are added in.

Working in this way not only provides me with a sense of calm and focus, but as someone with an incredibly bad memory, it allows me to hold on to moments which would otherwise have slipped away.
This is something that I have been doing for years and I love the thought of my children looking back through them as adults and seeing themselves grow within its pages.
Having just put in my order for my 2023 Passion Planner, I came across the impressive free downloadable resources on their website and immediately fell in love with the thought of a 30 Day Journal Challenge. I really enjoy those few hours of calm on a Sunday night when I work on my planner. So, I loved the thought of injecting some of that creatively and calm into every day of the next 30.
Add in some self reflection and healing and I thought this could be a really positive experience where I take time to not only do something I enjoy, but also to actually dig deep and work on myself. This isn’t something that I pause to do very often.
To be honest, not a lot. Find a way that works best for you.
That can be notes on your phone, it can be on a laptop, it can be in a planner filled with stickers and colours. It’s about finding a method that is sustainable for you. Something that will allow you to commit to the full 30 days of the challenge.
For me that was making use of my stickers and pens and trying to get creative. I already had a gorgeous notebook that I got for my birthday which I had been saving for a special use!
And of course you need the challenge sheet! You can download a free copy of the Passion Planner 30 Day Journal Challenge from their website here.
I love starting things on the first, so last night I sat down to complete my first challenge day.
List at least three things that make you feel grounded. How do you want those things to carry you today? How do they make you feel connected to yourself and others?

First and foremost this is my family. I used to somehow fight against my “mummy” status, feeling that somehow I was losing Vicki in the mix and losing my sense of self. However, just like love expands and encompasses more people as they join your life, so does myself of self. Being a mummy is at the centre of who I am now. But it doesn’t make me any less of a craft loving, book worm. I just maybe have less time to indulge those things!
There is no doubt that photography grounds me. With a mind that is very rarely still, looking through my lens, slows a moment down for me and keeps me still in a way that nothing else can.
Finally, as mentioned above, planning helps me focus and keep control in a world that can often feel a little overwhelming, filled with too much to try and get down.
What about you, what keeps you grounded? I’d love to know if you join in with the challenge.
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