3 ways to have a great Easter in lockdown
Needless to say this is going to be an Easter with a difference. With a semi lockdown in place and social distancing in the forefront of everyone’s mind, Easter isn’t cancelled in our house but we will be doing a few things to try and make it a little more special for the kids this year.

Have an egg hunt
Egg hunts are a big part of our Easter. whether it’s at our local National Trust property or at home. This year is not going to be any different. It just means that it will be contained to our home.
We’re not ones of overindulge the kids in chocolate as to be honest they usually get enough with just an egg from us and one from each of their grandparents. So, for our Easter egg hunt we have a set of little plastic ones we hide in the garden year after year. Once they find all the eggs, then the Easter bunny trades it for their Easter basket. This way they have the fun of a hunt, without ending up with far too much chocolate at the end!

Put together an Easter egg carton
This is something I saw on Pinterest and I loved the idea. Personalised and packed full of little sweet treats that you probably already have in the cupboard. They look incredibly effective with the minimum of effort,
All I did was upcycled an old egg carton, added a little shredded tissue paper and the rammed it full of sweet treats. Mini eggs, sweets, jelly beans and little chocolates. Not a huge amount of them, the variety of what they have in their little cartons will no doubt make their eyes light up!

Add something a little extra
This isn’t something we would usually do, but this year we are adding something a little bit extra to their Easter baskets. Usually the kids have an abundance of chocolate from all our family whereas this year they will have their single egg from us. So, in addition to their chocolate and their sweet filled carton, they have a little teddy and a toy each too.

AD | For Darcie we were sent this fantastic Hatchimals Spring Bouquet. For a little girl who is STILL Hatchimals obsessed, I know that she is going to love it.
Together, these three things should make for a fun Easter Sunday despite needing to spend it in the same garden they’ve been playing in every day for weeks now. Throw in a few Easter themed crafts and plenty of family time, and it should be a lovely day spent together.

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