A balancing act
We’re only in week 2 here of the Bean becoming Henry and joining our little family and we’re still finding our feet. Needless to say I’ve not quite got the balance yet and found any time for blogging; I had naive notions of drafting posts in the night while I’m up doing the feeds but to be honest I’m just too tired and resemble something akin to Quasi Modo at 3am stumbling around the house!
It’s been an amazing few weeks though, the bear adores her baby brother and although we have encountered some rather dramatic tantrums now which I think are a combination of her world completely changing over night and her age, we’re preserving though. The Bean is thriving though and has already gained back all the weight he lost from birth and then some. Not surprising considering how much time this boy spends on the boob! If he’s awake, he’s latched…..
Hubby is still off with us until Monday so we’ve been capitalising on enjoying some family time and have enjoyed a trip to the zoo, have seen the “choo choos”, explored our local parks and introduced our newest addition to friends and family. We need to enjoy this time together while we can as we’ll all miss him when he goes back next week!
blabbermama says
Really beautiful photos! Don’t worry a routine will come, and you’ll find that time you want to get the little things done 🙂