Dear Henry
Dear Henry
Oh, my darling boy.
I cannot believe that you are already 2-years-old. Perhaps it’s because you’re my youngest child or perhaps it’s because I know you are my last, but I don’t feel like I am ready. 2 seems like a big number for me, so much more so than when you turned 1. It seems like the official entrance into toddler-hood and although it’s been a while since there was anything ‘baby’ about you, this suddenly makes it all feel so much more official.
It’s not particularly new for you but you love to run around at full throttle. It seems that you have two speeds – on or off – and anything in between just is not good enough.
Your language is coming on leaps and bounds now and you’re really starting to string all your words together. We have proper little conversations now – mainly around trains – but it’s wonderful when you chat away with me. It’s also unbelievable to sit and listen to you and your sister as you speak to each other, full little conversations that you both follow with ease. I can already see the relationship that the two of you will have developing.
You like most things. Kisses and cuddles are definitely at the top of the list, but then again so is chocolate and sweets. Cake makes a good appearance and you are very partial to a bag of Quavers. Your favourite meal is spaghetti bolognaise which you love to make a great mess with. That is not unusual though as you tend to end up rather mucky regardless of what you are doing.
You love to spend time outdoors and are happiest when you’re making a mess outside, most recently in your sandpit or playing in your mud kitchen. You love to play on your bike (still a push-along trike right now) and like being pushed alongside your sister as she rides her bike.
Your two favourite books are Giraffes Can’t Dance and The Lion Inside and you love to pick between them for your bedtime story with your Daddy. You know them both and now make all the right sounds in the right places and never miss out on showing us your favourite details.
You have a list of favourite films that you usually request. The favourites right now are Moana and Wreck It Ralph, though Boss Baby and Toy Story 3 will often make an appearance for you. You have also recently discovered Chuggington – something that both you and your sister agree on watching for a change!
You still hate to feel hungry and go from being ok to be hangry in a very short space of time if we don’t feed you quick enough. If you are grumpy then you can pretty much guarantee that you are either tired or hungry (or both!).
You don’t like sandwiches are still hate sweetcorn regardless of how many times I try and get you to eat it. To be fair you don’t like most vegetables these days and your diet has sadly gone the same was as your very fussy sister.
You don’t like being told off either and when you are told that something you have done is naughty, your little face falls and you immediately want / need a cuddle.
You have so much love inside the gorgeous little body and it overflows into everyone and everything. Your favourite things are trains, cars, tractors and dinosaurs. Your favourite toys at the moment is your brio train set and your car sets. You love to sit in the middle of the track you helped build and correct all of the cars and trains as they go around and around (and around!) the track.
You love to be praised and flourish under any kind of compliment. Seeing your little face light up is utterly adorable.
You are also still a mummy’s boy – that has never changed – but you love spending time with your daddy and like nothing more than ‘helping’ him when he does any jobs around the house. However, you have so many people in your life that you adore: Nanny and Grumpy, Nonna and Grandpops, Grandma and Grandad as well as Uncle Boyd and Rosie-Bear you see pretty much weekly and you just love spending time with each of them. You loved having them all together in once place at your birthday party with some of your friends yesterday and you had the best time jumping between all of them.
We have always been blessed that you have always been a happy and content little boy. You are still happy 90% of the time and have a smile for everyone. That other 10% though you are starting to develop your own little temper and when the mood takes, you certainly know how to stand your ground! Always ready with a kiss and a cuddle you are a very easy little boy to love and you make us all laugh on a daily basis.
So, there we have it. A little snapshot of where you are now. It’s all going so quickly but I could not be more proud of the happy, helpful, loving little boy you are becoming. The relationship you have with your sister is beautiful to watch and the love you have for everyone in your life shows so limit.
Never change my baby boy. You truly are perfect just the way you are.
kris says
what happy sweet child!! happy birthday to your little nugget 🙂
tippytupps says
Thank you my lovely. He really is such a happy little man x
Sarah says
This is such a sweet little post for a sweet little guy! I think all toddlers go through a fussy stage and do grow out of it! I agree, 2 is such a big number, such an official number, no more baby and all toddler xx