Dear Darcie – now that you are 7
Dear Darcie
I usually write this letter on the eve of your birthday. Staying up past midnight to reflect on the past year and considering the person you are becoming. This year I have done things differently. Instead, as you turn 7, I slowed down and simply watched the girl you are right now.
I watched as you counted down to your birthday day after day after day (starting at over 100 days to go!). I watched you wake up on the day of your 7th birthday beyond excited. Your smile was as wide as it could get, beaming as you proudly displayed your birthday rosette on your way to school.

Over the next few days, I watched as you played with your school friends at your birthday party. Hostess with the most, holding the conversation and helping the people around you.
I watched you with your family as they celebrated with you, happy to simply have them with you. And I watched as you interacted with the friends you have known your whole life with a comfort and ease which is built on firm foundations.
As I watched I felt incredible happiness that you have a life that is filled with so much love. That you are surrounded by so many people that want to be part of your life.

Something has changed in the last few weeks. My baby seems to have disappeared almost overnight and in her place is an articulate, headstrong girl who knows her own mind. A kind girl who cares about the people in her life. A girl whose laughter fills my heart, and I could not be prouder.

So, my beautiful bear, dry the unshed tears that filled your eye when you realised that it was all over for another year and be happy in the knowledge that the people that love you will surround you all year long.
Happy birthday baby.
I love you always and forever, for all the stars in the sky.
Love from Mummy xxx

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