Snow Day!
Just like most of the country, this week the snow decended on us. The Bears have never even seen snow in person, let alone played in it so it was with great excitement when it arrived with us on Friday. Out we went, and that’s what we’ve done pretty much for the past 3 days… and out the house playing in the snow, then coming in and getting warm!
She LOVED the snow. Loved it. Until she got wet that is. Or cold. Such are the volitile emotions of toddlers, but before that stage she has had a great time all weekend. She’s built her first snowman. Been sledging for the first time. Thrown snowballs at her daddy; with varying success as one even ended up in her own hood! Overall though, it’s been a resounding success and I’m so pleased that her first Christmas that she REALLY gets it and knows who Father Christmas is, has brought with it some real snow to play in.
This one has been a little less convinced. He loves it and loves walking around in it, but uneven ground + wellies means that it’s a little unsteady! Each time we’ve been out in it over the long weekend, he’s had a great time for about half an hour or so before it starts to wear thin. He gets cold and wants to be held. Mostly by daddy at the moment as come the weekend, this little man has become a right little daddy’s boy. Unless it’s bedtime that is, which is when he still wants his mama!
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” – Kahlil Gibran
Argh, I can’t imagine how exciting it is when you’re little and Christmas is coming and there’s snow and everything!! I’d love it let alone your little ones! I don’t blame the little guy for wanting to be picked up after a while though, it must be so confusing. We have a major Daddy’s boy at home at the moment as well, as soon as Dave’s in the house I don’t get a second look in… apart from bedtime and the middle of the night – typical!!! #livingarrows
His eyes are just beautiful. We haven’t got snow, but I hope we do because I would love for my girls to finally see it! I also think snow makes the perfect Christmas
We had snow too and it was the first time we had ever had enough to actually play in! My eldest absolutely loved it where my youngest wasn’t too keen either! #LivingArrows
Oh they look so happy in the snow! We didn’t get any in Hampshire and I had some serious Insta-envy. Looks like you all had a wonderful time #LivingArrows
Such beautiful photographs!
It wore a little thin for Daisy too and she couldn’t wait to come home by the end of our snow day! #LivingArrows
The snow was just so lovely, we went to bed thinking nah it wont snow but the kids woke us up screaming haha, lovely photos as always x
Those eyes though! Beautiful pictures!
You have such a talent for getting beautiful pictures!
Aww! I bet it was exciting for you to have your children experience snow for the first time! What a precious memory!
So cute!! My kids loved it too
Oh my gosh these pictures are the cutest!! I am so envious of your snow. It snowed here very briefly but didn’t settle x
I’ve never considered what it would be like to be introduced to your first snow like that given we grew up with it, but look at those smiles!
Britt |
The snow was very exciting. She looks like she’s cosy and warm in her pink outfit. #LivingArrows
These are just so beautiful! I’m hoping the snow will come back while I’m in the uk this week . My kids would love it #livingarrows
Lovely pictures. I love seeing snow pictures. But I have to say I’m not missing it now we’re living in a warmer country x #livingarrows
These are such lovely photos! We didn’t get any snow where we are – but then it never snows and sticks in our part of the country. #LivingArrows
Beautiful photos!