Today we had our second date day in almost 2.5 years and our first since Henry joined us. It felt strange, amazing, unnerving and exciting....needless to say a mixed bag of emotions. My parents looked after the Bears for the day - who had a great time at Nanny & Grumpy's - while hubby and I ... READ MORE »
The rollercoaster of toddler life
Today has been an amazing day and one that perfectly outlines what life with a toddler is really like. We have : Been to a baby and toddler group Played with friends Had a lovely sleep (the toddler not me) Met with good friends Gone for a walk through some gorgeous local woods ... READ MORE »
Dear Darcie – birthday edition
Dear Darcie You are now 2 years old and have grown to be a headstrong, funny, clever and beautiful little girl. No longer a baby in any way, you astound us with your humour and how bright you are each day, though your temper is quite formidable and the tantrums are something we would happily go ... READ MORE »
Dear First Born Child
I loved you from the moment I saw your little grainy heartbeat on a screen, tentatively started to have hopes and dreams for a future we would one day have together and I have loved every moment as that future appeared. You had me exclusively for almost 2 years but then another child entered your ... READ MORE »
Newborn Feeding: the good, the bad and the tiredness
Rosie from over at Everything's Rosie and George is doing an amazing series at the moment on newborn feeding and I wanted to get involved by writing about my own journey so far. I recommend you also head over there (once you are finished here of course) and take a look. ... READ MORE »