Bring Me Back by B A Paris
Finn and Layla: young and in love, their whole lives ahead of them. Driving back from a holiday in France one night, Finn pulls in to a service station, leaving Layla alone in the car. When he returns, minutes later, Layla has vanished, never to be seen again. That’s the story Finn tells the police. It’s the truth – but not the whole truth.
Twelve years later, Finn has built a new life with Ellen, Layla’s sister, when he receives a phone call. Someone has seen Layla. But is it her – or someone pretending to be her? If it is her, what does she want? And what does she know about the night she disappeared?
I really enjoyed this book. I read about it in a recent review from a fellow blogger Kris from Boston Book Reader and I knew immediately that I wanted to read it! I’m a new BA Paris fan having loved Behind Closed Doors, so was looking forward to seeing what Bring Me Back would bring to the table.
Do you know what, I wasn’t disappointed. Told in three parts, the first section of Bring Me Back flips between ‘then’ when Finn was madly in love with Layla. As the story within the past unfolds, you learn there are details about the night Layla disappeared that Finn kept from everyone 12 years ago. Then in the present ‘now’ we see how Finn has moved on with his life with Layla’s sister Ellen. All is not as it seems though as not only is his new ‘perfect’ relationship not quite so perfect after all, but it seems that the past won’t quite leave them alone. This first part raises the simple questions of is Layla back? And if so, where has she been?
I won’t go into detail of how the other two parts of Bring Me Back is structured, but I will say that it has definite Gone Girl vibes. Which is great as I loved that book too. I did figure out the big twist about halfway through the book as the small signs that Paris left for us were there, but I was on the edge of my seat turning page after page to see how it would all unfold.
There were a few flaws and I’m not sure has satisfied I am with the ending, but it wasn’t difficult to overlook these niggles and enjoy a definite page turner of a book. Told in a relaxed style with a pace that created tension as all the character are pushed inch by inch to breaking point, Bring Me Back is an intense tale to find out exactly what happened to Layla.
Bring Me Back is currently available on Amazon for 99p for the kindle edition. And for less than a quid, I really recommend that you go download it now!
Great review vicki! Im gunna check this out for sure x
Oo sounds good! I’m going to have to look into this one x
ahhh yay!!!! I’m so glad you decided to read it and enjoyed it, that makes me so so so so happy!!!!
Thanks for the recommendation. I loved it